Earlier this year, the mere photograph on the web of a young woman identified as a manager of the Red Cross in China sent the blogosphere into a frenzy. 今年早些时候,微博认证身份为“中国红十字会(theRedCrossinChina)商业总经理”的一位年轻女子发布的照片在网上炸开了锅。
Red Bull China is a separate company from Red Bull, the Austrian company behind the popular energy drink. 红牛中国和红牛(RedBull)是两家独立的企业,后者是这款畅销功能饮料背后的奥地利公司。
Recently, Red Bull China went looking for other brands it could sell alongside its staple energy drink. 最近,除了这款主打的功能饮料之外,红牛中国开始寻找其他可以销售的品牌。
The exploration of the translation tactics for the culture-loaded words helps promote a deeper understanding of the unique red culture in China and the dissemination of the Chinese culture. 探索与“红”相关词语的英译策略有助于读者更加透彻地理解中国独特的红文化,有助于促进东西方文化的交流与传播。
Payable to "Hong Kong Red Cross China Relief Fund" to the International& Relief Service Department, Hong Kong Red Cross at33 Harcout Road, Hong Kong. 抬头「香港红十字会中国赈灾金」寄回香港夏悫道33号香港红十字会国际及赈灾服务部。
Based on geographical distributions and the Red List of China and Red List of Japan, we compared the current status of threatened plants and the floristic composition of the two countries. 作者结合植物地理分布,根据中、日物种红色名录,对比分析两国野生种子植物的濒危程度和区系组成。
A Comparative Study on Three Chinese Versions of Red Star over China-From the Perspective of Cultural Studies RedStarOverChina三个中译本的比较研究
Be that as it may, only those who were in China at the time can recall the full impact of Snow's Red Star over China. 尽管如此,只有那些当时身在中国的人们,才能回味斯诺的《西行漫记》所产生的巨大影响。
Leo: Yes, Red Star Over China, which be called classic. 是呀,红星照耀中国。堪称经典。
There is the Red Cross of china, the Communist Party School of Dongcheng district, the world knowledge press, senior cadres section of foreign personnel and other municipality or district owned units in the district. 辖区有中国红十字会、东城区委党校、世界知识出版社、外交人员老干部处等市、区属单位。
They lent the money to the US so it can fund it day to day operation including investing in weapon technology to fend off the red china in the future. 他们把钱借给美国,因此它可以操作基金包括投资在武器技术,来增加中国未来的防御力。
The entertainers take part in the "Love From China" art performance co-organised by Red Cross of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture for donations. 演艺界人士参加由中国红十字会与外交部和文化部等单位联合举办的“中国人爱心大行动文艺晚会”义演并慷慨解囊捐款。
Under present circumstances, we have recommended against enlarging the war from Korea to also include Red China. 在目前状况下,我们建议对来自韩国的和平扩展,也包括中国红。
Minimize the Marine Labor Income-loss Due to the Red Tide in China 中国赤潮灾害影响下的海洋劳动者收入损失最小化研究
In this depressing twilight of political thinking, Snow's Red Star over China burst like a fireworks display. 在人们政治上陷入思想苦闷的情况下,斯诺的《西行漫记》就象焰火一样,腾空而起,划破了苍茫的暮色。
Land Use/ Cover and Landscape Pattern Changes over the Karst Reservoir Area of the Red River, China 红水河梯级电站喀斯特库区土地利用与景观格局变化研究
SEEING Red in China, a blog by an American teacher there, makes a provocative argument. 一位美国老师,出于对于中国教育的愤怒,在博客上发表了一篇具有挑衅意味的文章。
If the author of Red Star Over China is right, the main force that drove millions of peasants in the heroic long march was nothing but hunger and its derived hatred of landowners and tax collectors. 如果《西行漫记》的作者是正确的话,驱使成百万农民进行英勇长征的主要动力不是别的,而是饥饿和对土地所有者及收租人的仇恨。
We'll be working around the clock for two days, returning to the rescue centre in Chengdu on Saturday night ( Red Cross China is only allowing volunteers to work for two days straight). 预计我们将在当地工作两天,周六晚返回成都(红十字会规定志愿者最多只能连续工作两天)。
In this he was encouraged by certain American military commentators who advocated supporting provincial Chinese leaders to stem the Red tide in China. 其实他是受了某些美国军事评论家的怂恿,这些评论家鼓吹扶持中国的地方势力以遏制席卷中国的赤色浪潮。
Have you read "Red Star Over China"? 你看过《西行漫记》吗?
The production and utilization of red koji in China has long history and is regarded as national scientific and cultural treasures. 红曲在我国的生产与应用具有悠久的历史,是祖国宝贵的科学文化遗产。
The Microstructures and Engineering Properties of Red Soil in China 中国红土的微结构和工程性质
Studies on Pigments of Red Rice in China 中国红米色素的研究
Ancient Culture and Modern New Technology of Red Koji in China 中国古代红曲文化及现代新技术
The experience is of theoretical and realistic importance to the red tourism in China. 赣南红色旅游发展历程的规律性总结对我国红色旅游业具有重大的理论意义与现实意义。
His masterpiece The Red Star over China caused great sensation for a time and influenced the whole generation of young people, which also won him a global fame in the news world. 他的名作《红星照耀着中国》一书轰动一时,影响了一代中国青年,同时也为他自己赢得了震撼国际新闻界的名声。
A study on recent pedogenic process and its developing age of red soils in China 我国红壤现代成土过程和发育年龄的初步研究
Red Star over China is the book that established the fame of the American journalist Edgar Snow. RedStarOverChina是美国记者埃德加·斯诺的成名之作。